New Delhi |HL Correspondent
Dr. Karan Singh Member of Parliament from Rajya Sabha and a renowned politician donated 84.75 lacs from his MPLADS funds for two advanced life support ambulances for AIIMS.
The advanced Cardiac Life Support ambulances were inaugurated on Thursday at Jai Prakash Narayan Apex Trauma Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi in the presence of MP Dr.Karan Singh and Prof.M.C. Misra,Director, AIIMS.
These state of the art ambulances were procured for transporting patients from the Center to Main AIIMS or any of its centers or for transport of any patient being received during disaster situations or any such contingency, etc.

Dr. Amit, spokeperson, AIIMS said, both these ambulances are customized to meet the needs of any patient who has suffered a trauma and is in a dire need for transportation elsewhere’.DSC_0066

These ambulances are fully equipped with all lifesaving equipment’s such as the Automatic External Defibrillator, Transport ventilator, Portable & Fixed Oxygen equipment with key wrench & trolley, Oxygen administration apparatus, Multi parameter monitor, infusion pumps, Collapsible chair cum trolley stretcher, End Tidal CO2 Monitor and Portable suction devices.

It conforms to the standards of safety proposed by the Ministry of Transport told Dr.Amit.
AIIMS added two state-of-the-art ambulances to its fleet which are fully equipped with life-saving equipment and designed for customised use for patients who have suffered trauma.


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