A 13-year-old girl who had allegedly been raped delivered a baby boy on friday after the supreme court allows her for abortion of 32 week pregnancy.
The girl went through caesarean operation .The newborn kept in neonatal intensive care unit and the baby’s weight is about 1.8 kilograms.
Earlier the victim, a Mumbai resident and 7th standard student, had to knock the doors of the apex court as the law prohibits abortion of a foetus after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Two days ago supreme court permits her to abort the 32 week pregnancy in keeping in mind the age of the petitioner and the trauma she has faced. A bench comprising Chief Justice Dipak Misra and Justices Amitava Roy and AM Khanwilkar perused the medical report filed by a board of doctors of JJ Hospital Mumbai, set up by the court, and granted the nod for termination of pregnancy.

Presently, the mother and child both are safe and under the observation of team of doctors led by Ashokanand, who was also the head of the committee of JJ hospital


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