New Delhi|HL
Apollo Cancer Institute new initiative by Apollo Hospitals converted its cancer management infrastructure into an independent functional entity.
Apart from creating independent institutes, Apollo has networked these institutes to leverage the strengths of all its specialists and the technology across the country.

Apollo Cancer Institutes in Chennai, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Bilaspur, Bengaluru and Madurai are part of this new initiative. All of them work on a common platform using standardized protocols ensuring uniform standards of care for every patient walking into the Apollo ecosystem.

PRECISION ONCOLOGY: With advances in technology and the understanding of cancer, management of cancer has moved from the tissue level to the molecular level. This makes cancer management more precise and personalized. The traditional method of treating the same type of cancer with the same drug is a thing of the past.

Today with the molecular understanding of tumor cells and availability of Chemo sensitivity techniques, the same type of cancer in different individuals is treated with different drugs. Similarly, newer surgical techniques using minimally invasive (Robotic Surgery) technology makes excision of tumors more precise and accurate.

Our oncologists have begun to focus on specific organs and this organ specific skill and expertise is producing results par excellence. New radiation techniques like True beam, Novalis Tx, Tomotherapy and Proton Therapy (being installed soon) add to the armamentarium of our oncologist in delivering radiation to the cancerous cells sparing the surrounding normal cells.

All these techniques apart from enhancing precision and personalizing treatment also bring down the complication rates, shorten treatment duration and deliver far better results. Thus precision oncology at Apollo Cancer Institutes gives hope to every patient and delivers care that achieves the goal of conquering cancer.

Cancer is a complex disease and management decisions are also complex. To demystify cancer management decisions our specialists meet as teams (Tumor Boards) and develop the most optimal treatment protocol for every patients. Similar Group wide tumor boards are also functional for second opinion services for complicated situations.

Dr.Prathap C Reddy, Chairman, Apollo Group of Hospitals while announcing precision oncology at Apollo Cancer Institutes said, “Cancer has been a dreaded disease and is threatening to harm millions of individuals in the community. It is estimated that over a million deaths occur due to caner in India every year and this rate is skyrocketing. We cannot let this cancer epidemic go on.”


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