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Evening in the WoodIT happened that Mrs Pomfret had had a slight quarrel with Mrs Best, the housekeeper, on this Thursday morninga fact which had two consequences highly convenient to Hetty So here he was, pointing his big finger towards three words at once, and turning his head on one side that he might keep better hold with his eye of the one word which was to be discriminated out of the group.

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The jail chaplain is rather harsh in his manner There were two pretty pictures on the two sides of the wall in the cottage.

I saw her as plain as we see that bit of thin white cloud, lifting up her poor thin hand and beckoning to me He could go to bed now and get some needful rest, before the time came for the morning’s heavy duty of carrying his sickening news to the Hall Farm and to Adam’s home.

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Have you no idea of the reason why she went away? he said There were the locket and ear-rings in the little velvet-lined boxes, and with them there was a beautiful silver thimble which Adam had bought her, the words Remember me making the ornament of the border; a steel purse, with her one shilling in it; and a small red-leather case, fastening with a strap.

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