New Delhi|HL
All India Institute of Medical Sciences have discovered a platform for an oral vaccine on Hepatitis B.
The researchers at the AIIMS have developed a 16 nano metre ,nano-particles layer loaded with antigen protein segments that could lead to the discovery of an oral hepatitis B vaccine.
“The outcomes on research done on two groups of mice are positive and if human trials are successful as well, an oral vaccine for hepatitis B could become a reality in next five years by 2021, said Dr Amit Dinda, professor of pathology at the AIIMS, who lead the research.
The research was funded by the India’s Department of Biotechnology and published in the journal, Vaccine.
Studies in mice showed superior antibody response with higher antigen levels two months after a single dose. “Two months in mice is equivalent to nine to 10 years in humans,” said Dr Dinda.
The traditional hepatitis-B vaccine used is injectable, which requires two boosters after the initially injection, first one after one month and the second booster after six months.
To create the nanoparticles that make an oral dose possible, scientists used polymer material with a detergent-like substance, loaded them with antigen protein segments and then transported them inside the body of the mouse.

According to Prof.Amit, the Vaccine imparts many benefits as:
The vaccine once prepared would be safe, cost-effective and non-invasive method suitable for mass immunization.
It will greatly benefit the rural masses that often missed the doses after the first shot.
No any booster dose is required.
There will be no side effects.
The vaccine can be preserved at room temperature.
Comparatively it is cheaper than traditional vaccine.
20%, high protection than injecteble vaccine.

Oral vaccines do away with the risk of infection from blood-borne infections such as hepatitis B and HIV through unsterilised needles. It is painless as it is in the form of oral vaccine. We now have to test it on humans and if successful, it will be first oral vaccine against Hepatitis B in the world,” Dr Dinda said.
We will soon submit this research to Ministry of Science and Technology for further process said Dr.Amit.
India has over 40 million Hepatitis B-infected patients, second to China.


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