New Delhi|HL
The strike in Delhi’s three major hospitals remains continue by resident doctors over an alleged assault on two doctors entered its third day on Thursday, even though Health Minister Satyendar Jain assured them of security. The doctors of Lok Nayak Hospital, which is governed by the Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), went on strike on Tuesday to protest against the alleged attack on two of their colleagues by relatives and attendants of a patient.
Patients were seen waiting outside ,strike disrupting all the medical services, including emergency.
The doctors of Lok Nayak Hospital, which is governed by the Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), went on strike on Tuesday to protest against the alleged attack on two of their colleagues by relatives and attendants of a patient. Emergency, Casualty and Out-Patient departments of all the associated hospitals, including Lok Nayak Hospital, GB Pant Hospital, Sushruta Trauma Centre and Guru Nanak Eye Centre will remain shut on Thursday as well. Currently, there are 329 guards at the hospitals and a demand of another 1,000 was put in 2014, which is still pending.

During a meeting held between the Principal Secretary of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Health Minister and the RDA members on Wednesday, the doctors asked for increased security at every hospital and imposition of ‘One Patient, One Relative’ plan, under which only one attendant will be allowed with a patient.

“The resident doctors are still on strike, but we working hard to ensure patients do not suffer. Besides routine operation, we haven’t really allowed anything else to get affected,” the hospital’s Medical Superintendent J C Passey said.
“We did not receive a concrete solution to our demands in the meeting, thus we will continue our strike. I agree that the patient care is getting affected, but doctors’ voices need to be heard too,” said Dr Ankur Sharma, general secretary, RDA of MAMC and associated hospitals.
Meanwhile, resident doctors at the Centre-run Safdarjung Hospital also continued their strike on the second day today, protesting the reduction of 30 post-graduate seats due to “administration lapses”. They are demanding the resignation of the Principal NN Mathur of the Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College (VMMC).


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