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This thought filled Chilo with hope But first rememberthat thou must see Csar It is bad that thou hast not been with himyet; Tigellinus is ready to use this to thy disadvantage.

Sunk in silence he meditated on theimmensity and dominion of that city, to which he had come to announcethe word of God Hitherto he had seen the rule of Rome and its legionsin various lands through which he had wandered, but they were singlemembers as it were of the power, which that day for the first time hehad seen impersonated in the form of Nero That city, immense,predatory, ravenous, unrestrained, rotten to the marrow of its bones,and unassailable in its preterhuman power; that Csar, a fratricide, amatricide, a wife-slayer, after him dragged a retinue of bloody spectresno less in number than his court Try to make that dream propheti.

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I wishedto speak with thee touching this very matter Vinicius received a certain solace from thethought that if Lygia died he would bury her in his family tomb, andrest near her.

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