New Delhi|HL Correspondent

HPV is the most common sexually transmitted virus and infection in the US .The impact of westernization culture, globalization and availability of English porn movies had a massive impact on Indian youths and they are following western path leaving behind traditions and valuable Indian as well. As a result the cases of oral cancer through human papilloma virus is now recorded in India too said Dr.Rath, Director,Oncology Department,AIIMS.

Dr.Rath was speaking at the 12th International conference of the Asian clinical Oncology society. Further he said that the reason behind oral cancer in India had been tobacco while in western countries its human pipoloma virus. The deadly virus mostly spreads through oral sex that is very common in western countries.

HPV is the leading cause of oropharyngeal cancers (the very back of the mouth and part of what in lay terms might be called a part of the throat), and a very small number of front of the mouth, oral cavity cancers.
HPV16 is the version most responsible, and affects both males and females.

One can infected from HPV without ever knowing it is because, the virus often produces no signs or symptoms that you will notice, and the immune response to clear it is not a process that you will be aware of.
Every day in the US, about 12,000 people ages 15 to 24 are infected with HPV.

According to data from the ongoing NHANES study, approximately 26 million Americans on any given day have an oral HPV infection. Of those approximately 2600 are HPV16. The vast majority of individuals will clear the virus naturally through their own immune response, and never know that they were exposed or had it.
In particular, HPV16 and HPV18 are known to cause around 70% of cervical cancer cases.

Over 170 types of HPV, are there and more than 40 of which are typically transmitted through sexual contact and infect the anogenital region (anus and genitals) as found in a research.

There are different reasons of spreading Cancer, a disease in India. It is surprising to know that adaptation of western culture is also one of causes.
The change in lifestyle and food habits is another increasing risk factor for cancer as said by Dr.Rath.

The Indian kitchen is filled from veggies, antioxidant and turmeric which plays huge role and decrease the risk of cancer. Contrary in western food habits non- veg ,low fiber diets and lack of use of turmeric powder, ginger and garlic could be well noticed that enhance risk factor of cancer.
The major cause of cancer in India is tobacco. About 40 per cent of cancer is caused by Tobacco alone. So tobacco was majorly focused by experts of oncology.


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