New Delhi|Ekta Purohit
The scheduled strike of nurses has been postponed by the nurses association after having assurance by Union Minister J.P.Nadda on Monday.
The meeting was held at the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare as told by Mrs. Khurana, Sacretary General, AIGNF. The minister accepted that nurses are has been neglected in the 7th pay commission. He acknowledged that he respect this profession as nurses who worked as a backbone of hospitals as told by Khurana to Health Live.
Minister assured that all demands and justification will discussed with the empower committee of secretaries headed by cabinet secretaries after a final brief meeting with AIGNF.
The meeting has scheduled on urgent basis by tomorrow as told by spokesperson of AIGNF Mr.Ramchandani to Health Live.
We are hoping that the result of next meeting will fulfill are demands and we should not go for further any strike said Mr. Ramchandani.


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