New Delhi|Ekta Purohit
It is difficult to detect the disabling autoimmune disease ‘Lupus’ and more efforts required for the awareness of Systemetic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) in public as well in doctors said Prof. Uma Kumar who headed the Rheumatology Department at AIIMS.
Dr.Kumar was speaking at the conference held at All India Institute of Medical Scinece on the World Lupus Day, which is celebrated on 10th May.
The main objective and focus of this day is to heighten public awareness, improve patient healthcare services, increased research into the causes of and a cure for lupus, enhanced physician diagnosis and treatment of lupus, and better epidermiological data on lupus globally.
The common symptoms of this disease are fever, joint pain with swelling, skin rashes (specific butterfly rashes in chicks), overwhelming fatigue, excessive hair fall, photosensitivity, breathlessness including pregnancy complications too as Dr.Kumar mentioned.IMG_20160510_142822220_HDR
It is estimated 5 million people worldwide are suffering from lupus and it develops more often in women. It can damage any of organs from skin to kidneys and heart also.
It is observed that lupus is not curable but it is treatable, in most cases lupus can be managed successfully through early diagnosis and proper medical care said Prof.Kumar.
Proper diet which carries homemade food including of fresh fruits can develop strong immune system to fight against to such types of diseases.
The global burden of disease as by 2010 published in 2015 in one reputed journal internartional journals show that out of 291 conditions studies musculoskeletal conditions caused 21.3 per cent of the total lived with disability in the world second only to mental and behavioural problems which is 23 percent.
As per record around 25,000 cases are registered in Rheumatology Department of All India Institute of Medical Science , Delhi yearly.

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