New Delhi |Ekta

Monkey Pox is a diseases which has already spread in seventy  countries increasingly. Now India is also hon alert. Due to monkey pox hundreds of people have died. In view of this concern, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global health emergency. WHO has made this announcement after the outbreak of viral infection in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which has also spread to neighboring countries.

This is the second time in 2 years that Mpox has been declared a global emergency. An emergency is declared for any disease only when it is spreading in unusual ways. Earlier, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had declared a health emergency in the continent regarding Mpox infection. It had also warned that it could cross international borders, after which WHO announced this after the meeting on Wednesday.

What are the symptoms of monkey pox?

After contracting this virus, the initial symptom is fever. After this, symptoms like headache, swelling, back pain and muscle pain may also appear. After the fever subsides, rashes appear on the body, which often start from the face and spread to other parts of the body. These rashes may cause more itching or pain. The infection usually resolves on its own and lasts between 14 and 21 days. In severe cases, the lesions cover the entire body, appearing on the mouth, eyes and genitals.

How does this disease spread?

Monkey pox is spread by coming in contact with an infected person. This includes sexual intercourse and talking closely to an infected person. It can enter the body through eyes, respiratory system, nose or mouth. Monkey pox can also spread by touching things used by an infected person. Like bed, utensils etc. According to BBC report, this virus can also spread through infected animals like monkeys, rats and squirrels. However, in the year 2022, the monkey pox virus spread more through sexual contact.

How to protect yourself from monkey pox

Advisory has also been issued to avoid this disease. It was told not to go close to any person infected with monkey pox and if the virus is spreading in the neighborhood then keep washing hands with soap. The infected person should be isolated until the lumps heal. WHO says that condoms should be used during sex for 12 weeks after recovery. The best thing is to get vaccinated. There is a vaccine for this disease.


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