New Delhi|HL
Medical Council of India has directed all medical colleges to send in details about their faculty within two days so as to upload these on its website.

Following directions of the Oversight Committee constituted by the Supreme Court, India’s medical education regulator has issued a circular to the colleges asking them to consider it as “most urgent”.

“The monitoring committee has felt that there are many bogus doctors in various colleges. We call it ghost faculty. We want to make sure that everything is okay. Then it will be uploaded on the website,” a top functionary of MCI said.

The move comes after many cases were found where medical colleges had fraudulently claimed they had the required number of faculty.

The circular was first issued on June 6 but after the Council found that the colleges were facing problems to send the detail, another circular on June 7 was issued which asked the colleges to send the details as per pro forma without supporting documents via email.

The MCI has asked the member to fill in a detailed pro forma which includes name, date of birth, details of qualifications like colleges or universities.

“It has been decided by the competant authority of the Council to direct all medical colleges to send the details of teaching faculty as per the enclosed pro forma without any supporting documents in PDF format by email within two days, as the same has to be uploaded on the website of the Council as per the directions of the Oversight Committee appointed by the Supreme Court. Please treat this as most urgent,” the circular said.


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