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Look at the clock, do; why, it’s going on for half-past nine, and I’ve sent the gells to bed this half-hour, and late enough too; when they’ve got to get up at half after four, and the mowers’ bottles to fill, and the baking; and here’s this blessed child wi’ the fever for what I know, and as wakeful as if it was dinner-time, and nobody to help me to give her the physic but your uncle, and fine work there’s been, and half of it spilt on her night-gownit’s well if she’s swallowed more nor ‘ull make her worse i’stead o’ better But you go out a walk sometimes these pleasant evenings, don’t you? Why don’t you have a walk in the Chase sometimes, now it’s so green and pleasant? I hardly ever see you anywhere except at home and at church.

And what does your parson say, I wonder, to a young woman preaching just under his nose?Parson Irwine, sir, doesn’t live here; he lives at Brox’on, over the hill there I should think his countenance is pleasant indeed! And him a gentleman born, and’s got a mother like a picter.

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