Again on issue of security concern Jaipur remarks strike of doctors of about 450 private hospitals on Sunday.
They demanded the state government to provide adequate security measures to the doctors who risk facing assault from kin of patients dissatisfied with the treatment. The strike was called by the union of private hospitals after a group of attendants at a private hospital thrashed Dr Ajay Bansal for being unable to save a patient’s life.
Dr Bansal was rushed to Sawai Man Singh Hospital after he suffered injuries from the assault. His treatment is currently underway.
The attack on Dr Bansal compelled the private hospitals to launch a protest. The commercial hospitals have earlier too complained about the use of violence by kin of patients.
The assault against Dr Bansal was carried out on Friday. The private hospitals and nursing homes society (PHNHS) reportedly called the general body meeting on Saturday. After discussing the subject, the conglomerate of private hospitals decided to call a strike to highlight their plight and seek government’s intervention.
A police case has been filed against the attendants who attacked the doctor. The assaulters were related to one Ratan Lal Saini, 55, who died in the hospital earlier in the week. Saini was admitted on May 17 after he suffered a heart attack. Saini’s son Virendra Singh accused the hospital authorities of adopting carelessness which led to his father’s demise.
The strike had a similar note launched by Mumbai’s resident doctors in March this year, over the lack of security provided. The protest was put down following the intervention of Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis.

Apart from attacking Dr Bansal, the relatives of Saini also staged a demonstration in front of the hospital at Imli Phatak, blocking the road lying adjacent to it. Police was quick to rush to the spot and control the situation from escalating.


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