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Without fail, Brian soon heard the obnoxious pitch of Doreens voice and was sharplyreminded that he would have to drop her at the airport before continuing on to Karlsoffice Im atthe point where Im considering looking for my own place.

Now that the man had beenpulled off the drive, a little shrewd maneuvering would hold him in NewYork, away from the Flagg interests, until the Comas folks could havetheir way That gentleman, setting hisspectacles astride his nose and assuming his most profoundlyprofessional air, read aloud the letter in which Mr Creamer thankedTurner and Turner for reposing confidence enough in him to reveal theirprocess and permit him to make experiments, and stated, with manyconvincing facts and figures, that he had made several separate samplesof the pulp in his experimental shop, and from the pulp had made paper,samples of which he enclosed under separate cover, stating further thatthe pulp could be manufactured far cheaper than wood pulp, and that thequality of the paper, in his estimation, was even superior; and whenthe company was formed, he wished to be set down for a good, fat blockof stock.

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