New Delhi|HLive|Ekta Purohit

India’s first ever digital platform, integrated Child Health Record (iCHR) to keep a child’s health record has been launched on Friday.
Just on one click of a button it can be available. It is supported by cloud computing and mobile technology. It is a revolutionary product to map a child’s health and track vaccination.
Speaking at the event Prof.Samir K.Brahmachari-J.C.Bose National fellow, founder Director, CSIR said ;it was an initiative taken by young entrepreneur with high social value and which is aligned to Governments Digital India vision.” It has benefits like it will help in early detection of obesity and malnutrition in urban and rural population which are threat nowadays Prof.added.
Dr.Raghuram Mallaih, Director, Neonatologist, Fortis Le Femme comment that “this application is all about empowering parents regarding their child vaccination and growth. This is the only app available in India to track the growth of premature babies both in hospital and once they have been discharged from the hospital up to 5 years.
Further he said that WHO data indicates that we have 235 million children 0-9 out of our total population of 1.25 Billion with physican’s density of 6.49 physicians per 10000 populations. We witness 7lacs neonatal deaths every year and almost 3lacs of such cases because lack of vaccination.
“Our main aim behind this product is to provide a paperless authenticated platform integrating doctors, hospitals and parents said Harpreet Singh, Chief Technology Officer, Oxyent Medical,the company behind iCHR.
On the highlighting app Singh added that the technology is secure and HIPPA compliant. It is cloud based solution, which can be easily linked to hospital HIS/EMR system via HL7 or integration adaptor.

On the pricing , singh said the technology is available at effective pricing.”it amounts to 1/3rd of a monthly newspaper bill. It about to be Rs.700 per year.The app will be available on android and iOS system Singh added.
Some of the other key features of ICHR service package include:
• Digital Health Record:Life long vaccination record and growth charts accessible lifelong to both hospital and parent, Retainership: Engage and retain parents by promotions and reminders through ICHR, Periodic Reminders: Notifications and reminders on vaccination due dates, Vaccine Brand Information: Automated entry of vaccine brands used by hospital/doctor”. The entry of Vaccine Brand vaccine is done manually, not automatic, Due Date Calculator: Automatic calculation of next vaccine date if previous vaccine has been delayed, thereby ensuring that there is an optimal time interval between two doses of the vaccine, Growth Charts: Parents can sit at home and track their child’s growth using the interactive growth charts, on their mobile phone,Long term vaccination surveillance: To understand different trends and uptake of specific vaccinations in the population.


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