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From the first, you was always a special favourite of Noddys, said Mrs Boffin, shaking her head Why, if we were all as industrious as you, little Busy-Body, we should begin to work as soon as we could crawl, and there would be a bad thing!Do you mean, returned the little creature, with a flush suffusing her face, bad for your backs and your legs?No, no, no, said Eugene; shockedto do him justiceat the thought of trifling with her infirmity.

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Whether I gave myself up to prodding, or whether I gave myself up to scooping, I couldnt do it with that delicate touch so as not to show that I was disturbing the mounds Havent you, inquired the dressmaker, bending over the doll on which her art was being exercised, done interceding with him yet?No, said Fledgeby, shaking his head.

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Had no play in your last holiday time?No, sir If he has had time to think of it, said Eugene, he has not had time to think better of itor differently of it, if thats better.

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