New Delhi|Ekta
Health Minister Satyneder jain said Delhi government is committed to fight hepatitis infection and for this the government is giving free treatment and medicines to all patients of Hepatitis B.
He was speaking at the inauguration of 19th Hepatitis Day at the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi. The government would cooperate with health institutions like ILBS to promote the health and well being of the people of Delhi minister added.
While talking with Healthlive Dr S.K. Sarin, Director ILBS said, ILBS is connected to 38 medical colleges for continued one year training and many faculty members from these colleges are participating in this event. He reemphasized that only children can make a difference in the understanding of hepatitis B.
Everyone should take a pledge to get every new born vaccinated and not to discriminate and stigmatize those who get infected Dr.Sarin added.
Further Dr S.S. Agarwal, National President, Indian Medical Association said that IMA has joined hands with ILBS this year onwards in its fight against Hepatitis B and he committed that in the coming one year, IMA plans to train and sensitize one thousand doctors in India about HBV prevalence, diagnosis and treatment options.
At the occasion Secretary Health and Family Welfare Dr Chandraker Bharti stressed that school and college children are the best messengers against Hepatitis and expressed hope that each and every Indian should strive that the country should be not only free from Hepatitis B but all kinds of Hepatitis. He also inaugurated a website on ILBS ECHO – a tele-education initiative of ILBS to train doctors across India using telemedicine technology in managing complex diseases.


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