New Delhi|HL

Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare Dr. Harsh Vardhan launched a plasma donation campaign  AIIMS, New Delhi in association with the Delhi Police today.

At the event Dr. Harsh Vardhan, said the plasma donors as Plasma Warriors. The plasma donation will develop as a movement in the country and it will have a far-reaching effect. He appreciated the role of the police personnel for donating the plasma and added that this will inspire others to come forward and join this movement. He praised the role of corona warriors for playing an important role in containing the spread of the Corona virus.

26 police personnel donated plasma during the campaign. Plasma from recovered Covid-19 patients contains protective antibodies to the SARS-COV-2 virus and this is supposed to provide immunity to patients of Covid-19 if transfused. Considering its potential benefit, clinicians have resorted to using this therapy in a select group of patients where other treatment options have failed. It is presently being used as off label therapy in India on a compassionate ground. However, availability of plasma has been a point of concern. The plasma campaign is an attempt to address this issue by creating awareness among the general public.

The Commissioner of Delhi Police, Sh. S.N. Srivastava said that Delhi Police is on the frontline warrior in the fight against Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the outbreak of the virus, Delhi Police personnel have been performing their duties with utmost zeal and dedication. The noble cause taken up by the Delhi Police will also motivate other persons who have recovered from COVID to donate plasma. This will send a positive message in society and help to remove the stigma attached with COVID.

The Director, AIIMS, New Delhi, Dr. Randeep Guleria said that the blood bank at AIIMS assesses the eligibility of COVID-19 recovered volunteer patients for blood donation and check the level of COVID-19 protective antibody levels in their blood before they can donate. The process is completed in 1 to 3 hours and plasma can be collected on same day.

 With the support of Delhi Police, Department of Transfusion Medicine AIIMS, New Delhi will continue this campaign for the whole week and beyond to make COVID-19 recovered donors aware that this is a safe procedure and it can help save human lives. Anyone who has completed 28 days after completion of treatment or home isolation and is between 18 to 60 years of age with a weight of more than 50 kg is eligible to donate.


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