New Delhi|HL Correspondent

There was a Technical briefing organized on Thursday to observe Diabetes as a theme for the World Health Day .
April 7 is observed as a World Health day every year.
Diabetes has spreading in India over the years. Almost 100 per cent in the past 13 years an assessment by WHO.
According to the recent WHO report, the number of people with diabetes in India almost doubled from 32 million in 2000 to 63 million in 2013. Moreover, the number is estimated to increase to 101.2 million in the next 15 years,
In India, according to WHO, around 75,900 males and 51,700 females in the age group of 30-69 years died due to diabetes in 2015, whereas 46,800 males and 45,600 females above 70 years of age died of the disease.
An estimated 69.2 million Indians are diabetics as per the International Diabetes Federation Atlas 2015. Among the population aged between 20 and 70 years, 8.7 percent are estimated to have diabetes.

“Diabetes is of particular concern in the South East Asian Region said “more than one out of every four of the 3.7 million diabetes related deaths globally occur in this region” said Poonam Khetrapal, director for WHO South East Asian region .
“Diabetes rarely makes headlines, and yet it will be the world’s seventh largest killer by 2030 unless intense and focused efforts are made by governments, communities and individuals,” Khetrapal had further added.

“Simple lifestyle measures have been shown to be effective in preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes; achieve and maintain healthy body weight; be physically active; eat a healthy diet; and avoid tobacco use,” Henk Bekadam, WHO Representative to India had said .

At the briefing programme there was a presentation by Dr.Fikru Tullu,Team lead, Non Communicable Diseases, WHO Country office for India , Dr.Damodar Bachani, Deputy commissioner, MOHFW and Dr.Anoop Mishra, Chairman, Fortis, CDOC Hospital of Diabetes.


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