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Socio-Cultural and Economic Impact of Corona Virus on Cancer Patients, Caregivers and Survivors

The COVID-19 pandemic has a widespread impact on social, cultural and economic aspects of life. The world is facing a global health crisis like never before. People with chronic health conditions requiring time sensitive treatments, like cancer patients, are adversely affected. Patients on active cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiotherapy, post bone marrow transplants and the survivors are vulnerable for COVID-19 infection.

Challenges in delivering care and dilemma:

With the increasing count of people getting affected by COVID-19, keep patients at-risk safe from the infection has become a challenge. Virtual communication has its limitation with respect to patient analysis. Delaying or postponing cancer treatment due presumed increased risk of infection with COVID-19 is a matter of debate and dilemma. According to the American Society of CLinical Oncology (ASCO), routinely stopping anti-cancer therapy is not recommended. The magnitude of collateral damage done to Cancer patients during COVID-19 pandemic is unimaginable. Palliation is an ethical obligation even at the time of pandemic. 

Fear, Anxiety and Helplessness:

Individuals affected with cancer and their families undergo treatment related anxiety and distress levels which adversely affect their mental health. On top of the emotional upset some patients are reported with psychosomatic symptoms such as diarrhoea, muscle stiffness, headaches, and panic-related symptoms, e.g. sweating or increased heart rate. Cancer patients also undergo psychological stress. The health workers are no way spared. Many have been tested positive and lost their lives. The dilemma exists between protecting one’s life and giving patients a good chance to fight their cancers during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Socio, cultural and economic impact:

The entire world is under strain be it in terms of logistics of essential commodities or healthcare facilities. But misinformation in society and prevailing misbelieves and myths led to isolation of cancer patients and survivors. Cancer care in developing world is challenging. The vulnerability of cancer patients can be measured in terms of availability of healthcare services, economic burden and psychological issues arising due to strict lockdowns. Free meals and financial support to poor and needy is being provided by the government of India. Financial security in form of insurance for the frontline health workers has been also introduced. Hopefully this will strengthen their courage to fight against cancer and corona both. Clinical trials for sustainable and effective vaccines are being carried out by multiple authorities. 

In conclusion, no one knows what choices to make for cancer patients and what is the right suggestion to be advocated in view of fear of cancer recurrence, progression to a higher stage and loss of life due to inability to access the system amid COVID-19 pandemic. It is scary for oncologists, and of course, for many cancer patients, survivors and the caregivers.

Oncologists have to think out of the box for more effective treatment. Educating our cancer patients and practicing hygiene with social distancing will prove to be effective as a remedial measure. Patients should be advised to take consultations via electronic mediums rather than physical visits.  Interdisciplinary resource team should be to created policy for combating COVID-19 infection during cancer care

The writers are Dr.Wasimul Hoda, Department of Anaesthesia & Critical Care, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences-Ranchi, Dr.Sachidanand Jee, Department of Oncoanaesthesia & Palliative Medicine, IRCH-All India Institute of Medical Science-New Delhi , Dr. Abhinav Kumar- Department of Trauma Surgery & Critical Care -JPNATC-AIIMS new Delhi , Dr. Priyanka Choudhary- Department of Community Medicine, Pt.B.D.Sharma PGIMS Rohtak,India and Dr.Abhishek Shankar Assistant Professor in Radiation Oncology Department at Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi


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