The govt on Monday decided to expand the universal screening of passengers after India reported two more positive cases of the novel coronavirus — one in New Delhi and the other in Telangana.

The person from Delhi had travelled to Italy, the health ministry said, adding that the other person with the coronavirus infection has a history of travel to Dubai.

The ministry of health in an update said, “One positive case of Covid-19 has been detected in New Delhi, and one has been d ..

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New Delhi|HL
As the emerging the cases of Corona virus found positive in India in three different states Rajasthan , Telangana including national capital Delhi the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday tweeted an advisory listing out the measures that can be used to prevent COVID-19.

While posting the tweets, PM Modi assured that there was no need to panic and that the citizens of India needed to work together. He further said that “small yet important” precautionary measures could ensure self-protection.
PM Modi also wrote that he conducted an extensive review on the situation regarding corona virus and assessed how prepared India is to deal with the disease, which has caused a global health emergency. He further assured that different ministries, as well as states, are working in synergy to tackle the health emergency, right from screening the passengers arriving in the country, be it by airways or waterways, to providing prompt medical response.

Narendra Modi

Had an extensive review regarding preparedness on the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus. Different ministries & states are working together, from screening people arriving in India to providing prompt medical attention.

The advisory posted by PM Modi listed out the following preventive measures:
•Everyone should wash their hands frequently
•Social distance should be maintained
•People should avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth
•While sneezing or coughing, one should indulge in respiratory etiquette and cover their mouth with their elbow or a tissue/handkerchief
•Anyone suffering from fever, cough or having trouble breathing smoothly should seek immediate medical attention
•All people should keep themselves aware and updated and follow the directions of their physicians.
•On Monday, a Delhi-based man, who had returned from Italy, had been tested positive for the novel coronavirus of 2019, which broke out from Wuhan in China in the tail-end of 2019. Some of the family members of the man were shifted to Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi to test whether they are also showing symptoms of coronavirus. Meanwhile, the crew of Air India’s Vienna-Delhi flight, in which the man had travelled, has been directed to go on a 14-day quarantine at their homes.
•Meanwhile, the school in Noida in which the man’s child studies has postponed examinations and fumigated its premises to avoid further spread of the virus.
•Apart from this, a Hyderabad-based software engineer who works in Bengaluru has been isolated at the Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad, after he was tested positive for coronavirus on Monday. He had recently returned from Dubai, where he worked with colleagues from Hong Kong.
•In the third positive case of COVID-19 in India, an Italian tourist in Jaipur was found to be suffering from the infection. She was first tested on February 29, when her sample tested negative, but when her situation worsened, a second sample was taken, which confirmed coronavirus.

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