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Bella sprinkled him with kisses instead of milk, but gave him a little of that article to drink; and he gradually revived under her caressing care Miss Wilfers compliments came down in return, and, if it were not too much trouble, would Mr Rokesmith be so kind as to come up before he went?It was not too much trouble, and Mr Rokesmith came up.

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When Mr Boffin got home at night he found that the paper contained Mr Venuss card and these words: Should be glad to be honoured with a call respecting business of your own, about dusk on an early evening You cant do that, John?No, my dear, its quite out of the question.

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Charley Hexam was a master now, in another school, under another head As we have been brought under one roof by an accidental combination of circumstances, which oddly extends itself to the new relations before us, I have taken the liberty of saying these few words.

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Here, the Analytical Chemist (who has evidently formed a very low opinion of Mortimers story) concedes a little claret to the Buffers; who, again mysteriously moved all four at once, screw it slowly into themselves with a peculiar twist of enjoyment, as they cry in chorus, Pray go on You are quite ill, Mr Headstone!It is not much, sir.

You see the move, sir?Till you have pointed it out, Mr Wegg, I cant say whether I do or not Thats your voice; merely your voice.

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Pray, how dare you, sir, utter the word to me?I never did One night I go east, another night north, in a few nights I go all round the compass.

To see him unable for his life to look anybody in the face! said Bella Not an atom, chimes in Brewer.

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