HLive|New Delhi
Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry has announce to release amount of around 10crores to Himachal Pradesh . Himachal Pradesh is home state of Union Health Minister J.P.Nadda.
As Nadda said Health Ministry is committed to improve public health infrastructure in Himachal Pradesh.
The grant –in-aid has been released for establishment of new medical colleges by up gradation of district hospitals. In this latest move , the Health Ministry has released.
The district hospital of Chamba is luckier to get Rs.4 crore as other two districts hospitals of Nahan and Hamirpur getting Rs.3Crore each for the medical facilities.


On the event Union minister Nadda said, “The current grant-in-aid is a part of the sustained efforts by the ministry to significantly improve the health infrastructure in the state of Himachal.”
We have already sanctioned funds for setting up and strengthening of trauma care centres, cancer care facilities and purchase of new medical equipment in the state as Nadda added.
On focusing the setting up of new medical colleges he said “it would provide a boost to medical education also in the state. It would be beneficial to the residents to access new colleges.
“The up gradation of the three districts hospitals in Himachal Pradesh where these medical colleges are being set up would also significantly improve the quality of health care facilities at these institutions, said Minister Nadda.
In spite of such amount declared of Rs10 Crore to the state Himachal Pradesh for health, its not a matter of satisfaction as it is very less for establishment of three new medical colleges.


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