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He had heard, it is true, that beforeGod men are equal; but a conviction was lingering at the bottom of hissoul that the daughter of a leader, and besides of a leader of all theLygians, was not the same as the first slave one might meet Promise me that if thou find some Christian on returning home,thou wilt show thy tongue to him.

But now, even were Helios to goto Cimmerian regions from sorrow, I shall sleep, and do thou follow myexample In that house I have heard how Glaucushas undertaken to betray all the Christians; and, besides, he haspromised another informer of Csars, Vinicius, to find a certain maidenfor him among the Christians.

Vannius summoned to his aid the Yazygi; his dearnephews called in the Lygians, who, hearing of the riches of Vannius,and enticed by the hope of booty, came in such numbers that Csarhimself, Claudius, began to fear for the safety of the boundary By the injunction of these superiors they beganto assemble only outside the city, in excavations near the Appian Way,and in vineyards belonging to patrician Christians, of whom none hadbeen imprisoned so far.

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Thanks to thee, Petronius, I will have games; andthat song, which I sang to-day, I will sing publicly Glaucus,though he urged him persistently to receive baptism, would not ventureto assure him that he would gain Lygia at once, and said that it wasnecessary to desire the religion for its own sake, through love ofChrist, not for other objects.

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He,before whom man is but dust, delivered thee defenceless into our hands;but Christ, in whom we believe, commanded us to love even our enemies He felt that he had done his work, and he knew now thatthat truth which he had been declaring all his life would overwhelmeverything, like a sea, and that nothing would have power to restrainit.

I tell you that they see their divinity! cried Vestinius, from oneside And a moment of rest came, which, at command ofthe all-powerful Csar, was turned into a feast.

Now rage began to possess the multitude He looked with wonder at the Apostle.

Both were listening to hear if some one were coming Thou lovest, but treason is in wait for thee; thou artenamoured of villas and statues, but tomorrow power may thrust theeforth into the empty places of the Pandataria; thou hast thousands ofservants, but tomorrow these servants may let thy blood flow.

There was in his face, therefore, such a power ofconvincing as truth itself has Vinicius might marry thee.


But I will go, I will go! I will only put on a mantlesomewhat warmer, and a hood, lest the slaves of that quarter mightrecognize me; they would stop me every moment to kiss my hands All were sitting in front of the fire warming themselves, for the nightwas chilly, and the chamber rather cold.

The thought flashed onAtacinus to save Lygia and himself, above all, and leave the rest totheir fate In such case let me send them to thee in a cylinder of my owninvention, answered Nero, embracing Petronius.

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There is somethingdivine in every vestal, and Rubria is very beautiful He wondered that Christians in Naples had notgiven me letters to their brethren in Rome; but I explained to him thatthe letters were stolen from me on the road.

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