New Delhi| HLive

The faculty of the premier medical institute AIIMS declared Black Day on Monday 29th February against the harassment and termination of faculty member by the AIIMS administration. Faculty blamed, despite written request to the AIIMS administration no initiative has been taken by the Director.


The faculty of the institute came together in the Foyer of AIIMS, near Director Office with black badges and protested peacefully against the termination and harassment of faculty member by the AIIMS administration in the foyer of the AIIMS.


The President FAIIMS, Prof C S Bal with other faculty members also discussed that they would intensify the agitation against the AIIMS administration by holding a candle light march peacefully on 3rd Marc 2016 in AIIMS campus.

The faculty members wore black badges as a mark of protest against arrogance of the AIIMS administration. The faculty also discussed that instead of resolving the issues of faculty members the AIIMS administration has escalated the tension between faculty and administration by threatening some faculty members. Unfortunately instead of any initiative to resolve the issue of faculty with administration the Deputy Director (Administration) has sealed the office of two faculty members and they are not able to use their computers and documents including books that are locked inside.





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