New Delhi|HL
World Trauma Day is observed every year on the 17th October. The World Trauma Day was established in 2011 with the aim to increase awareness, foster healing and encourage collaboration to address the effects of Trauma on our society. Being the Apex Trauma Centre of the country, it is prudent that we hold public awareness and training activities on the occasion of World Trauma Day 2023.

Training program on Emergency Life Support for the school teachers from various schools under the Department of Education NCT Delhi. Overall 40 participants were attended the program. All the participants (Teachers) were very enthusiastic and were very positive after attending such kind of course at a Trauma facility. All the participants were facilitated with a certificate of participation. They also shared their thoughts, experience and vision after attending the course and they proposed that such kind of important training course/module should be made compulsory for all the teachers so that the lives can be saved and they can provide training to school children.

Poster competition with theme of “Injury Prevention and Road Safety” for school children from various schools across Delhi was also organized to spread awareness among the school children between 6th standard to 12th Standard. School participated in the event were “Andhra Education Society”, ITO, Delhi and “Adarsh Atal Vidyalaya”, Ansari Nagar, Delhi. There were total 76 school children who participated in the program. The participants were very enthusiastic and creative in showing their thoughts regarding the road safety and injury prevention. The images which were drawn on the paper showed that the children have the knowledge and idea about the road safety and injury prevention aspect within the society nowadays. The children were provided with a certificate of participation. Among the 76 posters, 4 posters were selected for 1st, 2nd and 2 posters for 3rd position. At the end of the session, all the children took oath for road safety in the presence of Hon’ble Director AIIMS and Chief JPN Apex Trauma Centre, New Delhi.

Nukkad Natak, on Road Safety by “Asmita Theatre Group”. A group of 25 youngsters with lot of energy presented a Nukkad Natak twice, infront of the general public and patients who came to attend the OPD and also infront of the School children. The group showed us various reasons among the youngsters to disobey the Traffic rules and then they showed us the drawback of not following the traffic rules. The nukkad natak had a game changer effect on the minds of general public and school children.

The World Trauma Day on October 17th 2023 was celebrated with the auspicious presence of Hon’ble Prof. M. Srinivas, Director of AIIMS, New,Sh. Himanshu Gupta, Director DoE, GNCTD Delhi,Prof. Kamran Farooque, Chief, JPNATC, AIIMS, New Delhi, Sh. Ashok Tyagi, Deputy Director DoE, GNCTD Delhi,Prof. Sanjay Ray, Department of Community Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi


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