Amid to health information of senior citizens on Aadhaar card was among the major healthcare initiatives proposed by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in his Budget speech on Wednesday.
Healthcare industry chiefs lauded the proposal saying that such digital penetration could be key to affordable and accessible healthcare to Indian masses. “For senior citizens, Aadhaar-based smart cards containing their health details will be introduced. A beginning will be made through a pilot in 15 districts during 2017-18,” Jaitley said in his speech.

For senior citizens Aadhar-based health cards containing their health details and also earn 8 per cent interest on savings through LIC, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced in budget.

Unveiling the budget in Parliament, Jaitley said the LIC earnings will have assured income for 10 years.
The move has bought the cheers to the senior citizens of country.


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