New Delhi|HL Correspondent
International Convention on World Homoeopathy Day inaugurated today. Integrating healthcare in homeopathy is the theme of the convention.
Prevention of various epidemic diseases through homoeopathy is huge, said Shripad Yesso Naik, Minister of State for AYUSH while inaugurating Convention on World Homoeopathy Day here todayShri Naik, in his inaugural address, expressed regret over the fact that the potential of Homoeopathy remains largely unexplored and, therefore, underutilized in public health.

Naik said that Homoeopathy, in India, has been well institutionalized. We have 212 Homoeopathic hospitals and more than 8000 Homoeopathic dispensaries.
There are almost 3 hundred thousand Homoeopathy practitioners in India. There are 195 undergraduate and about 40 post-graduation medical colleges and the National Institute of Homoeopathy is a model institute for education and medical care through Homoeopathy, he added. He also said that there are more than 400 licensed pharmacies, most of whom are GMP compliant minister added.
The Minister said that India has been a major contributor in Homoeopathy research in the last few decade and the work of Indian homoeopathy researchers is often cited by many international researchers. Not only that, India is also following the contemporary research designs and methodology for conducting reliable, reproducible researches, he added
The Minister said that India had an extensive meetings and deliberations on AYUSH with a number of countries at the International level. The country recently hosted a delegation from the United States of America to discuss the modalities of integrating AYUSH systems in cancer care.
Further Naik said that AYUSH information cells have been set up at the Indian embassies and consulates in Beijing, Stockholm, Latvia, Dubai and Croatia. He said that India is in the process of forming a chair of Homoeopathy at Yerevan State Medical University, Armenia. The AYUSH Chairs are established in the foreign universities, in consultation with Indian Missions to promote academic and collaborative research activities on AYUSH Systems abroad, he added.
Shri Naik said that India have signed Memoranda of Understanding with Sri Lanka, Mexico, Cuba, Nepal, Mauritius and Mongolia. A MoU on cooperation in research and education has been signed between the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) and Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, he added.
The Minister, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik also released a commorative stamp and a souvenir on this occasion.
The Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH Shri Ajit M. Sharan informed the gathering that the Government of India is putting in all efforts to develop centers of excellence in Homoeopathy. North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Homoeopathy is being given impetus and work on All India Institute of Homoeopathy has been initiated, he added. He also said that the centers of excellence so formed would be models for education, research and patient care in specific fields. Shri Sharan highlighted the importance of research for scientific advancement of Homoeopathy.
The International Convention on World Homoeopathy Day is being organised by CCRH, an autonomous research organization of Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India and an international organisation Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI). Scientists and homoeopathy doctors from 23 countries including Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Italy, Netherlands, U.K., Austria, Armenia, Canada, Israel, Australia, Bangladesh, Japan, France, UAE, Cuba, Nepal, Turkey, Argentina, Slovenia, Pakistan, Ghana and Kenya are participating in this convention.
The event is being organized to commemorate the 261st birth anniversary of the founder of Homoeopathy Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, who was a great scholar, linguist and acclaimed scientist. The theme of the convention is ‘Integrating Homoeopathy in Healthcare’.
The convention will deliberate upon various significant issues in Homoeopathy. It includes special sessions on ‘Homoeopathy on Cancer’, ‘Homoeopathy on Mental Health’, ‘Homoeopathy on Epidemics’, ‘Homoeopathy on Public Health, Clinical Research studies, Drug Validation and Drug Development’ among others.
Among the invited guests are Mohd. Nasim, Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Bangladesh, Mr. Mushtaq Alam, Minister of State for Health, Govt. of Nepal, Mrs. Fozia Manzoor, Counsellor of High Commission, Pakistan and Mr. Anura Jayawickrama, Health Secretary, Sri Lanka.


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