New Delhi|Ekta Purohit
“Neev” the preconception and pre-marital health check-up centre has established at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi on Monday.
The clinic was inaugurated by Dr.M.S.Rai, Medical Superitendent, Safdarjung hospital.
“This clinic will provide counseling to the people about HIV, genetic, and psychological issues related to married life said Dr.Rai.

It will offer a range of tests to would-be couples for screening of health problems, like genetic, infectious and blood disorders, which they might transmit to their children Dr.Rai added.


While talking with HealthLive Dr.Pratima Mittal, Head of Department, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, said “ it will help to couple, who are planning to get married, if any disease found, they could be counseled for that, not only this people belong to financial weaker section they get information for how can they get help from the government”.
Further Dr. Mittal said in our country about 60 per cent couples having unplanned pregnancy.And if any of partner having health problem then it affects the health of future generation. They are not aware that they have right to plan pregnancy.


“At present, work is on to prepare a module on what all tests should be done in consultation with World Health Organisation,” she said. Dr Mittal added that pre-conception counselling services will also be offered at the clinic. About the stigma associated with pre-marital health screening, confidentiality will be ensured, the doctor added.


IMG_20160321_135503130In Delhi, most of the top private hospitals are already offering pre-marital health check-ups. However, sources say, the demand hasn’t picked up significantly.


Dr.Reeta Bansiwal, Assistant Professor at Department of Gyanaecology,Safdarjung told Health Live “couple should enter in marriage in sound health and give rise to healthy and strong family”.
Only strong foundation can produce strong family so as the clinic name”NEEV” added Dr.Reeta who is leading the clinic.
There was a public forum held to impart the knowledge of importance of premarital and preconception counseling and screening. To spread awareness about such programmes we have distributed pamphlets.
Around 8 patients arrived first day to the hospital for counselling Dr. Reeta told Health Live.



Earlier in March a conference was also held on the topic of ‘ Public Health In India in relation to Sustainable Development at campus of Vardamman Medical College & safdarjung Hospital, by NGO Rama Foundation , who worked for the rights of labor section of society said Namarata Narayan,founder of Rama Foundation.



Dr. Jugal Kishore, Prof. and Head, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, told Health Live this concept will help not only to the couple who are getting married but to youngsters who have certain queries related to such topics.
A programme called ‘Adolscent Friendly Health clinic’ is already have been running by government at national level to help yougesters as said by Dr.Kishore.




“In India, there is stigma associated with diseases. Couples, both men and women, often try to hide their ailments before marriage fearing rejection,” said Dr Suneeta Mittal, director and of obstetrics at Gurgaon’s Fortis Memorial Research Institute (FMRI).


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