New Delhi |Ekta Purohit
Apollo hospital, Indraprastha has given new life to three day old newborn baby after a critical and complicated surgery. Now the baby is completely healthy and got discharged after two months of under observation.
Resident of Faridabad Nikhil Singla’s son born on 8 January at local private nursing home of Faridabad and refer to Apollo hospital as having unstable health condition.
The baby was readied for further investigations & surgery through anaesthetic and cardiac evaluation 48 hours later. Meticulous and long surgery with mobilisation of liver and intestine was followed by creation of diaphragm using a layer of abdominal wall to create an artificial diaphragm. He has gradually come off all cardio respiratory support and discharged last week after 12 weeks in nursery.

Apollo Hospital has successfully conducted consecutive neo-natal surgeries on three newly born babies from Faridabad, Gurgaon and Dehradun,suffering from different kinds of abnormalities and discharged them within a one week of their births said Dr Sujit Chowdhary, Senior consultant -Paediatric Urology,Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals Delhi.
“Medical expertise and clinical excellence has increased the neonatal survival rate ”In developed world, around 95 per cent neo natal surgeries stand out as successful. said Dr.Chowdhary.Dr.Sujit

As these types of neonatal surgeries are very complicated, the national average percent is 65 of successful surgeries while Apollo hospitals achieved 95 percent. They are life threatening. 1:2500 is the ratio of the babies needing life surgery in India. Complex surgeries are called cardiac and non-cardiac.Non-complex surgeries are Tracheal Esophageal Fistula, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernea and tumours.It can also harm the brain of babies”Dr Chowdhary added.

Dr.Saroja Balan, told HealthLive “it is quite challenging for us, but the kind of facilities and staff support system at Apollo hospitals help us to conduct such surgeries.IMG_20160331_135949139
“The time period close to delivery is very critical and any failures in the healthcare system during this short time frame can lead to death of new born said Dr. Sushma Kaul senior consultant at Apollo.

Dr.Vidya Gupta, Senior consultant at Apollo hospital told Health Live “Transport system has also main role in such type of surgeries. If the babies reached as earliest to hospitals then we can save their life by operating timely. Preterm births cause about fifty percent of neonatal mortality and need timely medical intervention Dr.Gupta added.IMG_20160331_142306401


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