New Delhi |Ekta Purohit

Prostate cancer is currently second common cancer in males in India and in next few years, prostate cancer will become the most common cancer in Indian males said Union Minister for PMO Dr.Jitender Singh on Sunday.
Singh was speaking at the inauguration ceremony of National Cancer Awareness Program on world Kidney Day with Masterclass in Uro-oncology and Live operative international Workshop at New Delhi.

Minister emphasized that Ministry of health is going to launch national programs on Urological cancers along with spread of awareness among general population for prevention of urological cancers and early detection of urological cancers.

Dr Anup Kumar, HOD,Department of Urology and Renal Transplant, Safdarjang Hospital and Vardhman Mahavir Medical college, organized 2 day National Cancer Awareness Program on World Kidney Day with Masterclass in Uro-oncology and Live operative international Workshop. More than 300 international and national Uro-cancer surgeons participated in the workshop.Anup_Kumar20

Dr.Anup told Health Live “9 complex cancer surgeries of prostate, kidney and bladder cancers were shown live from Safdarjang Hospital Urology OT laparoscopically and robotically along with prostate biopsy using robotic platform.
Further he highlighted “ it is for the first time in India, Indocyanine green dye was used during laparoscopic radical cystectomy .” second day, there were lectures on cancer awareness among general population along with training of young uro-cancer surgeons.

Prostate cancer is curable if it is detected in early stage. There are 95% chances of survival of living for 10-15 years after the surgery as Dr. Anup told Health Live.
In the age of 50 if person has any kind of urine problem should go for PSA (Prostate specific antigen) test.
Safdarjung hospital is providing world class cancer treatment to all urological cancer patients at no cost to all poor patients including advanced laparoscopic surgeries and cancer medicines this treatment costs 4-5 lacs outside in private hospital said Dr.Anup

Prof Jagdish Prasad, Padamshree and DGHS along with Prof MC Mishra, Director AIIMS were guest of honor at the workshop.

Prof.Misra, Director, AIIMS told HealthLive “ We are trying to come up with such programme which spread awareness among general population for prevention of urological cancers and early detection of urological cancers.

Padmashree Dr.Jagdish Prasad, while talking with Health Live said “we should to organize such workshops and programmes in the rural area of our country so that we can reach out deprived people who need more awareness.


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