New Delhi |Ekta Purohit

In Delhi about 37 percent of people having diabetes of prone said Dr.K.K.Agarwal, Secretary General IMA on Friday.
He was speaking at the press conference held in Delhi on diabetes by Indian Medical Association in collaboration with Delhi Medical Association.Dr.K.K.Agarwal

.As per recent estimates, around 285 million people worldwide (6.6 per cent) in the 20–79 year age group had diabetes in 2010 and by 2030, 438 million people (7.8 per cent) of the adult population, is expected to have diabetes as said by Dr.Ajay Lekhi, President ,DMA.

The association will conduct the programme in collaboration with Delhi Medical Association (DMA) and will set up diabetic screening camps at 1700 IMA branches and 30 state branches. Under this campaign random and fasting sugar check-ups will be organized.

The aim is to assess the spread of diabetes and the types of diabetes prevalent among people. The experts will analyse and come out with a national data along with a detailed report,” IMA Secretary General, K K Aggarwal said.
On April 5, all the data from the screening program will be compiling and a report will be announced on WHO Day on April 7.

Further Dr.Agarwal said”If the abdominal circumference in males is more than 90 cm, and 80 cm in females then they should go for a check- up for diabetes.
People having such circumference of stomach should soon change their food habits and try to avoid grains once in a week as said by Dr.Agarwal.

“The idea is to promote awareness about the disease as according to statistics from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), India has more diabetics than any other nation of the world,” Ajay Lekhi, President of DMA, said.
As per researchers it is found out that over 100 million people in India are likely to suffer from diabetes by 2030.
Diabetes is a disease which affects whole body from head to toe said Dr.Lekhi.Dr.Ajay Lekhi


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