New Delhi | HLive

Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain on Monday said the Government will launch a vaccine program, which aims to help the female fraternity in the prevention of cervical cancer. HPV vaccination will be started with in three to four month this year.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination will be given to girls of 9-13 years of age group so that they remain insulated from the dreaded cervical cancer.

HPV vaccine will help in preventing cervical cancer, which is caused by HPV infection. It is the leading cancer among Indian women. delhi will be the first state to introduce HPV Vaccination program.

The cost of this vaccine will be near about Rs. 450/- per dose under this programme where actual cost of this vaccine Rs. 3000/- per dose. The Delhi government will provide it free of cost.

“We need to make people aware about cancer at a larger scale. We need to raise public understanding and awareness for early detection and prevention for this deadly disease. HPV vaccination will be started with in three to four month this year,” said Jain.

Health Minister said the program will mainly target all the school going girls whether its government school or its private school. “Through this initiative we will be able to prevent cervical cancer by 80 per cent,” said Jain.

He was speaking at the International Workshop on Cancer Awareness, Prevention, Screening and Early Detection for SAARC Nations being organised in the city.

According to National Cancer Registry Program Cervix uteri cancer is the second most common cancer in Delhi’s women.  Worldwide, cervical cancer is both the fourth-most common cause of cancer and the fourth-most common cause of death from cancer in women.  In 2012, an estimated 528,000 cases of cervical cancer occurred, with 266,000 deaths.  This is about 8% of the total cases and total deaths from cancer.  About 70% of cervical cancers occur in developing countries.


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