New Delhi|Ekta

Tabrez Khan, who became the first plasma donor after winning the battle against Corona in Delhi, said that if his body can be used for any trial for the treatment of corona disease, then he is ready to donate it too. I do not know to whom my plasma is offered, who is he, of what religion? I have gone for Corona Plasma Therapy for brothers from my country. I am glad that my plasma could be used for someone.

Only objective to win fight against deadly corona

All of us should have only one objective, that we win the ongoing war against this disease. I will be happy that my body will be able to work in corona research or any trial, then I am always ready for the country. These words and emotions are from the Covid Warrior Tabrez Khan, the first plasma donor in Delhi, whose donation has led to a trial of plasma therapy in Delhi.

The 36-year-old tabrez, lives in Jahangirpuri. About the occurrence of infection and plasma donation, he told that his sister had come from Dubai, which was found positive.

Admitted to LNJP Hospital , dischareed on 5th April

His treatment started at LNJP hospital on 18 March. His report came negative for the first time on 3 April and he was discharged from the hospital after the second report came negative on 5 April. He remained quarantined in the house till 19 April. I liked the CM’s appeal and called the hospital says Tabrez while talking with healthlive

Plasma removed in three cycles, no pain feel during donation

In the ILBS hospital, I spoke to Dr. Anita. Plasma was extracted in three cycles of 10–10 minutes. During this time I did not have any kind of pain nor did I have any weakness after donation. Doctor Sarin told me that two patients have been given my plasma in LNJP and both of them have recovered, knowing this, my heart was relieved and glad.


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