New Delhi|HLive|Ekta Purohit : In a bid to prevent occurrence of cancers among Indian children, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) on Thursday inaugurated a tele-consultation facility here at the Institute.

The tele-consultation will help the doctors of the hospital to connect with the children
suffering from cancer and others needing medical guidance in terms of the disease and keeping them at a bay.

Among the slew of other initiatives started by the hospital included the release of a patient education kit for providing awareness among the citizens.

According to the AIIMS, a total of 40, 000-60, 000 new cases of cancer are detected every year among children in India. Among them the highest are of Leukemia, cancer of bone marrow and tissues.

“Childhood Cancer is curable if detected in time and treated properly. The myths regarding cancer need to be removed and there is need for sensitizing the health and school professionals for long term effects of cancer therapy,” said Ranjana Seth, a senior faculty at the pediatric department of AIIMS.

Seth, on the occasion also said that increasing awareness has resulted in more willingness of people to take treatment and live a healthy lifestyle.

“Apart from this school, health professionals and society should be sensitized to the late effects of cancer therapy and need for integration of cancer survivors into the society,” said Seth.


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