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Sixty thousand! he repeated Ah! and you left me that morning, a fine, upstanding young countrycove, but to-day-ah, to-day you are a bang up blood-a gent, insideand out, a-riding of a magnificent ‘oss-and all on account o’follering the instructions in that ‘ere blessed tome as I soldyou-for five bob! And dirt-cheap at the money!And I find you exactly as you were, said Barnabas thoughtfully,yes, even to the bread and cheese.

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Rivals? For what?Yourself A lie! he cried, a foul, cowardly lie!Then you-you didn’t buy up the debt, Beverley?No! no!-I couldn’t,-Gaunt had sold already, and by heaven Ibelieve the real creditor is-Ha! cried Smivvle, pointing suddenly, the door wasn’t fastened,Beverley,-look there!Barnabas started, and glancing round, saw that the door was openingvery slowly, and inch by inch; then, as they watched its stealthymovement, all at once a shaggy head slid into view, a round head,with a face remarkably hirsute as to eyebrow and whisker, andsurmounted by a dingy fur cap.

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Can you possibly mean old Jerry and the Captain?Here my lady paused in her quick walk, and even condescended to lookat Barnabas With a murmur of thanks Peterby drew up a chair and sat watchingBarnabas with his shrewd eyes.

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But you haven’t a chance, Barnabas,-not a chance! You didn’t betmuch, I hope?Not so much as I intended, madam You! said a voice, speaking in a harsh whisper, is it you? Alas,Barnaby Bright! what would you-here? Go away! Go away! Here is anevil place, a place of sin, and horror, and blood-go away! go away!But, said Barnabas, I wish to see-Oh, Barnaby Bright,-hear me! Did I not tell you he was marked fordestruction, that evil begetteth evil, and the sword, the sword? Ihave watched, and watched, and to-night my watch is ended! Go away!Go away!What is it? what do you mean? demanded Barnabas.

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