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And his coat had been nearly ripped off him; I saw it under his cape!Ah? said Barnabas, still busy with his neckcloth For a moment Barnabas stood hesitating, undecided whether to go onto Barrymaine’s lodging or no, and finally struck off in theopposite direction, towards Gray’s Inn Lane and so by devious wayseventually arrived at the back door of the Gun, on which heforthwith knocked.

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London! Fashion! in that hat,that coat, those-Sir, said Barnabas, flushing, I have already-Fashion, eh? Why, then, you must cramp that chest into an abortion,all collar, tail, and buttons, and much too tight to breathe in; youmust struggle into breeches tight enough to burst, and cram yourfeet into bepolished torments-But, sir, Barnabas ventured again, surely the Prince himself isaccountable for the prevailing fashion, and as you must know, he issaid to be the First Gentleman in Europe and-Fiddle-de-dee and the devil, sir!-who says he is? A set ofcrawling sycophants, sir-a gang of young reprobates and bullies One could tell as much from his boots, murmured Mr Dalton,snuffing the candles.

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Go back, she whispered, go back!Impossible, said Barnabas, I have a mission to fulfil All this I see in aglance-ah! and something more-for the mizzen-topgallant had beenshot clean through at the cap, and hung dangling.

You mustmeet them No, no!Yes, John In London I attempted the impossible, and todayI-return home, a failure.

Mr Beverley, sir, said the Bo’sun, pegging away at the carpet ashe spoke, is it-meaning no offence, and axing your pardon,-butare you hauling your wind and standing away for Hawkhurst so prompton ‘account o’ my Lady Cleone?Yes, Bo’sun, on account of our Lady Cleone I ain’t blind! Timbertoes.

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