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Neither can I, father, said Barnabas, still staring down at thepapers which littered the table before him Which I would mention, sir, or shall we say, ‘int, as if you couldput a little drop o’ summat inside of it-brandy, say-‘t would bedoing a great favor.

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Being come up with Barnabas, he stopped, closed his book upon hisfinger, touched the broad rim of his hat, and looked at Barnabas, orto be exact, at the third left-hand button of his coat I am-a day too late! Only one day, sir, andthere lies the bitterness.

Some time since you mentioned the names of two men-championsboth-ornaments of the ‘Fancy’-great fighters of unblemishedreputation As many as you wish, sir, answered Barnabas, and he looked veryyouthful as he bowed his curly head.


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That, sir, that’s London, sir-cobble-stones, sir, cart-vheels, sir,and-Lord love you!-here Mottle-face leaned over and once morewinked his owl-like eye-but ‘e ain’t mentioned the vord ‘walise’all night, sir-so ‘elp me! Having said which, Mottle-face vented athroaty chuckle, and proceeded to touch up his horses Iremember only that I am her father, with all a father’s loving pity,and that she- Barnabas.

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This is all I have to say, or your father, only that no matter how near you come to turning yourself into a fine gentleman, we have faith as it won’t spoil you, and that you may come a-walking into the old ‘Hound’ one of these days just the same dear Barnabas as we shall always love and remember But for Chichester I tremble to think what would have been my fate long before this.

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In this awful place! Why?Clemency flushed, and looking down at the table, began to pleat afold in the cloth with nervous fingers A better inn! HereBarnabas sighed for the fourth time, and his step was heavier thanever as he went on down the hill.

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A fortnight! said Barnabas If it be a coat as you’re wanting, sir, there be one as you wore atthe race, said Martin, I keep it upstairs in my room.

Astounding! exclaimed Mr Smivvle My poor lad! sighed his father, your head’s fair crazed, sure assure, but if you think you can knock John Barty off his pins, do it,and there y’ are.

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