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Lygia, said he, thou didst not permit my death Thefervor of a July day, increased by the heat of the burning parts of thecity, became unendurable.

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His death cannot pass without punishment Thespectators for the greater part followed his example, and, streamingout, disposed themselves in picturesque groups around the tent, to resttheir limbs wearied from long sitting, and enjoy the food which, throughCsars favor, was served by slaves to them.

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Be ashamed, O slayer of Argos! such a wise god as thou, andnot foresee that thou wilt get nothing! I will offer thee my gratitude;and if thou prefer two beasts to it, thou art the third beast thyself,and in the best event thou shouldst be a shepherd, not a god As is usual with people for whom life has been turned into one singlepassion, Vinicius thought of all this through the medium of his love forLygia; and in the light of those flashes he saw one thing distinctly,that if Lygia was in the cemetery, if she confessed that religion,obeyed and felt it, she never could and never would be his mistress.

He was no longer the former kindVinicius, almost dear to her soul; he was a drunken, wicked satyr, whofilled her with repulsion and terror I neither wonder at this, nor do I blame thee.

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