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Descending, I went wandering whither chance might lead, in a still ecstasy of freedom and enjoyment; and I gotI know not howI got into the heart of city life Graham did not appear till some minutes after the Count.

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Just notify the quarter to which my care is to be directed, I continued gravely: chuckling, however, to myself over the thought of being set to chaperon Madame Beck or any of her pupils Pupils cameburghers at firsta higher class ere long.

What I see is not precisely homely It went off, however, as mildly as the menace of a storm sometimes passes on a summer day.

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Through the glass door and the arching berceau, I commanded the deep vista of the alle dfendue: thither rushed Sylvie, glistening through its gloom like a white guelder-rose Yet he liked a slight tribute; the cost, the money-value, did not touch him: a diamond ring, a gold snuff-box, presented, with pomp, would have pleased him less than a flower, or a drawing, offered simply and with sincere feelings.

Here was a great house, full of healthy, lively girls, all well-dressed and many of them handsome, gaining knowledge by a marvellously easy method, without painful exertion or useless waste of spirits; not, perhaps, making very rapid progress in anything; taking it easy, but still always employed, and never oppressed I traced in the gesture, the port, and the habits of his manhood, all his boys promise.

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This is indeed too much: this is cruel, this is humiliating, were the words that fell from him The packet of papers fell on the floor.

In the second place, while I had no flow, only a hesitating trickle of language, in ordinary circumstances, yet under stimulus such as was now rife through the mutinous massI could, in English, have rolled out readily phrases stigmatizing their proceedings as such proceedings deserved to be stigmatized; and then with some sarcasm, flavoured with contemptuous bitterness for the ringleaders, and relieved with easy banter for the weaker but less knavish followers, it seemed to me that one might possibly get command over this wild herd, and bring them into training, at least Mrs Bretton and son knew my circumstances; but the Count and his daughter did not.

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