New Delhi|HL

National Eye Bank (NEB), Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences (RP Centre), AIIMS, New Delhi  made record in retrieve corneas from donors in the year 2017 which is highest in last 52 years.

National Bank said  during celebration  the 33rd eye donation fortnight on Tuesday.

“As many as 1,285 corneal transplant were conducted last year, which amounts to a utilisation rate of 70 per cent,” he said.

A window of “six to eight hours” after the death of a person is considered the “optimum time” on an average for donation of eyes for transplant surgery, but in some cases corneas have also been accepted after 24 hours, the senior doctor at the (AIIMS) here said.


“Six hours is the cut-off period for donation of eyes in places where the climate is warm and humid, and about eight hours in cold conditions or where the body has been kept in cooled environment having a  refrigerator or air-cooling system,” he said when asked if there was ‘golden hour’ for donation vis-a-vis organ donation.

“Well, there is no golden hour define as such, but (the period of) 6-8 hours is considered the optimum time on an average. But, in controlled situation, we have had cases where have been done with eyes donated even after 24 hours,” the senior doctor said.

Talking with Healthlive Dr.Titiyal said that of the eyes donated at NEB, about 60 per cent are those which were given within eight hours while most of the corneal donations came within six hours.

According to AIIMS, the ongoing hospital cornea retrieval programme (HCRP) has led to an increase in “good quality donor corneas” and utilisation rate of more than 80 per cent.

“HRCP has given us really good results and better optical grade tissues from donors,” he said.

“Also, our 100 per has been helping our counsellors and technicians to approach more number of families,” he added.


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