New Delhi|HL

Like other days the Doctor’s Day has also its importance. In our country Doctors,  are often given a god-like status  and that’s not without good reason. Though if we talk about today, there are many doctors who are not particularly ethical, however, there are many, many who understand the true worth and value of the profession that they have chosen Doctor’s day is precisely meant to celebrate and thank such doctors.

In India, first of July is observed as Doctor’s Day. It is celebrated to emphasize the value that doctors hold in our lives and this day is meant to pay them respect for their selfless service towards humanity.

Not just doctors, the day is also meant to commemorate the medical industry and its advancements. Doctors’ efforts in bettering people’s lives through technology have been relentless in India and this day marks those accomplishments.
In India, it is celebrated on July 1 because it is the birth and death anniversary of Dr.Bidhan Chandra Roy (Dr. B C Roy), one of the most famous physicians of India.
While, Doctor’s Day is celebrated on different dates in different countries across the world.


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