
As well all that certain diseases and ailments are specific to a particular season. The ailments occur every year and are more prevalent in certain regions of the country during a definite time of the year. It is very important to be aware of such diseases in order to prevent their occurrence and take necessary actions to cure those affected by them. Even though disease outbreaks can be a natural calamity, their prevention and cure is in human control.
Certain common practices to adhere to in order to prevent the occurrence of any disease are:
1. Following a proper vaccination and immunisation schedule
2. Maintaining personal and social hygiene
3. Following a healthy and balanced diet
4. Drinking clean and pure water

Common diseases during winter:
Cold, flu, dry an itchy skin, bronchitis, pneumonia

Prevention and cure:
• Consume one lemon every day to boost immunity and digestion.
• Inspite of the cold weather, do not avoid bathing as this will lead to internal heating of the body and also give rise to dry and flaky skin.
• Apply moisturizers and natural oils daily to keep your skin soft and supple.
• Consume food rich in vitamin E, such as, almonds, spinach, sweet potato, avocado, etc. to keep your body naturally moisturised.
• Get yourself vaccinated against flu in case you are prone to common cold and flu.
• Wear suitable clothing and cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing to prevent transmission of viruses.

In addition to the above measure, a regular fitness regime with a balanced diet has the ability to keep any disease or ailment at bay. So eat healthy and stay active!
No one can stop the onset of winter. However, if you follow these suggestions, you will be ready for it when it comes.


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