New Delhi |HL
Shashwat Pande a resident doctor of Delhi’s St Stephen’s Hospital was murdered in a restroom of the Hospital on Friday morning.A 26 year old doctor was allegedly by a male colleague accused of stalking and assaulting him since year.
Shashwat Pande, a intern in the state-run hospital’s radiology department, was from a family of doctors in Allahabad.
Pande was on duty as a resident doctor from 4pm on Thursday to 8am on Friday. But he could not be reached over the phone since midnight.
In the morning when a hospital attendant searched for Pande on Friday, he found the door of the radiology duty room locked from outside. Staff broke the padlock and found him in a pool of blood between two benches in the restroom.
“His throat was slit with a surgical blade. As per the preliminary investigation, the suspect appears to be a colleague doctor and an acquaintance of the deceased,” as said by senior police official
Dr Shubhra Philips, a local guardian of Pande said, the suspect had been “stalking” Pande right from the beginning. “When my nephew opposed the harassment, he would be threatened with physical harm and even death through WhatsApp messages,” she added.
A few months ago, the suspect attacked Pande with a landline phone. On another occasion, he had brought a knife to threaten Pande, said one of the doctors at hospital.


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