New Delhi|HL
As per the Global Nutrition Report 2016 India is ranked 170th in terms of anemia among women and 114th in terms of prevalence of under-five stunting, Health Minister J P Nadda said today.

During Question Hour in Lok Sabha today Nadda said “As per the Global Nutrition Report 2016, India is ranked 114th in terms of under-five stunting prevalence, 120th in terms of under-five wasting prevalence and 170th in terms of anemia prevalence in women,” .
Nadda said Global Nutrition Targets were set for 2025 in 65th World Health Assembly 2012 for stunting and wasting in under-five children and anemia in women of reproductive age group.

The targets are – childhood stunting: 40 per cent reduction in the number of stunted children, childhood wasting: reduce and maintain childhood wasting to less than 5 per cent, anemia in women reproductive age: achieve a 50 per cent reduction of anemia in women of reproductive age.


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