New Delhi|Ekta
World Social Work Day 2017 was celebrated in AIIMS, New Delhi. AIIMS Medical Social Service Officers Association (AMA) organised the event. Including Director & Medical Superintendent the event was attended by the faculty members but representatives of different Trusts, NGOs and individual donors were also present and many patients & their family members joined the celebration.
The Director of AIIMS, Dr. Balram Airan spoke of this occasion and referred to the WHO definition of health which emphasises on social & mental factors and how the role of social worker is significant in this regard.
The Medical Superintendent, AIIMS Dr. D. K. Sharma said that the Medical Social Service Officers (MSSO) are a very important link between the patients and donors which facilitates crucial help.
The Medical Superintendent, R. P. Center, AIIMS Dr. Shakti Gupta said that he has a very old & cordial relation with social work profession and he has witnessed its effectiveness in many cases.
The President of AMA, Mr. B. R. Shekhar welcomed the participants and told them about the various achievements in last year. The Medical Social Service Officers of AIIMS have helped more than 1000 patients last year to avail help from the government scheme Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN) which exceeds a fund of more than 25 crores. He also informed that many Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Units are also helping patients and it has helped such patients who could not avail government funds due to some reasons. He emphasized that the AMA is working towards creating a network of donor organizations which will help every patients who are poor and indigent.
Many patients and their family members expressed themselves, they thanked the entire institution, doctors and social workers for giving a new life enthusing hope for future. The representatives of various organizations received Memento from the Director & Medical Superintendent and they all expressed a desire to help more patients as per the guidance of MSSOs.
The Secretary of AMA, Mr. Rajeev Maikhuri delivered the Thanks note and he thanked everyone who participated in this event especially the patients. He ended his note saying that a next year AMA will organize a 2-Day National Conference and publish a Resource Directory of Social Services in AIIMS.


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