New Delhi |HL
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has written to the Union Health Ministry requesting to issue a notification that would mandate individual authentication for generation of Unique Health Identification (UHID) numbers with Aadhar number.
AIIMS is India’s First Fully Digital Public Hospital, that generates Unique Health Identification Numbers (UHID) for OPD Patients under the e-Hospital Project software. Till date, nearly 40 lac patients have generated UHID’s since the e-Hospital software was launched in July 2015. The UHID number is a single point of reference for all patient activities in AIIMS.
Deputy Director Administration AIIMS, V.Srinivas has written to Shri C.K.Mishra Union Health Secretary with the request that a notification be issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, that would mandate individual authentication for generation of UHID numbers.

The e-Hospital software envisages patient identification based on individual authentication from an Aadhar number. Although the software provides for an interface between Aadhar number and UHID number, it has not been made mandatory till date.
With the Parliament enacting the Aadhar Act 2016, a legal provision for mandatory linkage between Aadhar number and UHID number is possible through a notification issued under Section 7 of the Aadhar Act 2016. Section 7 of Aadhar Act 2016 provides for Proof of Aadhar number necessary for receipt of certain subsidies, benefits and services etc.

The next big step in the Digital AIIMS journey would be the mandatory linkage between Aadhar and UHID, which would simplify the patient journey significantly AIIMS said in a statement.


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