
A private hospital has performed city’s first ABO incompatible liver transplant of a 50-year old man. The liver was donated by his son for transplant which was received after some sophisticated medical procedures as initially the blood group of donor and receiver mismatched.

Agra resident Moses Andrews was admitted in Jaypee Hospital 128. The diagnosis revealed that he was suffering from severe liver ailment and there was a need for transplant. Andrews’s 26-year old son Anon Andrews agreed to donate his liver but diagnosis revealed that there was a mismatch.

Dr Abhideep Chaudhary, senior liver transplant surgeon at Jaypee Hospital, said that the doctors’ team decided to conduct incompatible liver transplant of the patient. “We used medicines and controlled the patient’s anti-bodies generation. We also performed blood washing by immune absorption. The immune suppressive medicines stabilized the patient’s body and a surgery was conducted successfully,” he said. The surgery was conducted in November and the patient was discharged with advice to continue with immune suppressive medicines in future.

Chaudhary said that till date people usually rely only on matching blood groups or cadaver donors (brain dead) for liver transplant. “It becomes difficult when patients do not find a compatible donor. The sophisticated techniques of incompatible liver transplant gives hopes to save many lives,” he said.

Moses Andrews and Anon Andrews on Saturday came to the hospital. He said that he was feeling good and recovering well. “I feel that I have received a new life,” Andrews said after a press conference.

The hospital claimed that this was the first case of incompatible blood group surgery in liver transplant in Noida city. Doctors said that change in lifestyle, excessive use of use of alcohol, and overweight leads to severe liver problem. The experts in liver transplant in different city hospitals said that said that due to advancement in technology incompatible liver transplant has become a reality.


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