Poor sanitation of Operation Theatre (OT) become the reason of lost of sight in four patients of Dehradun.
Four patients lost their eye sight , after they were operated at the Doon Medical College and Hospital’s ophthalmology department this week . The hospital shut down its OT following the incident.

According to sources that all the four victims have been referred to bigger medical centres for treatment. While the hospital claimed that the victims’ vision had been restored and the loss was temporary.
Sunny Tomar, a Seema Dwar resident whose mother has been admitted at Mahant Indresh Hospital in Dehradun following the loss of vision , said, “My mother was operated in the ophthalmology OT of Doon Medical College & Hospital for cataract after which she was unable to see and doctors told us that it was due to infection in her eyes. She is currently undergoing treatment at the private hospital . We are not sure if she will regain vision.”

According to sources, head of department Dr Sushil Ojha had ordered retests to be conducted on the four patients following the incident. “Though all the four operations were conducted by three different doctors of the hospital, retests confirmed infection in their eyes . This either happens due to infected surgical instruments or dirty hands rubbed against the eyes by the patient. The doctors who performed the surgeries ruled out both the possibilities ,” a source said.

An inquiry ordered by the hospital’s medical superintendent has confirmed the infection originated from the OT.

The hospital has a standard procedure under which its operating theatres are sanitised every month. However, due to various reasons, including its sanitation staff striking work, the department missed on cleaning it this month.


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